3777金沙娱场城(官网版)-Made in Sungrow

Runke has been awarded the title of "Guangdong Province Strategic Emerging Industry Backbone Enterprise" again

In October 2015, the Guangdong Economy and Information Commission notified our company that it had been awarded the title of "Guangdong Province Strategic Emerging Industry Backbone Enterprise" once again. This honor carries great importance in the evaluation of enterprises in Guangdong Province. In response to the country's call to promote scientific and technological innovation, Guangdong Province has played a leading and exemplary role in the development of strategic emerging industries, with our company serving as a key backbone enterprise. We engage in the research, development, production, and marketing of related technologies and products in the key development areas of strategic emerging industries, which have begun to emerge as domestic and even international leaders.

This assessment requires that the enterprise must have management standards, a considerable scale, a leading position in the domestic and even international industry, be able to represent the development trend of the industry, establish long-term and stable cooperative relationships with domestic and foreign universities and scientific research institutions, possess at least one core invention patent or its exclusive license in the field, and meet strict conditions such as financial stability and continuous profitability over the past two years.

Runke has been awarded this honor since 2011 and has always maintained its position as a backbone in the industry.
